Who’s Who at TravelSafe Clinic – Kristin Cain, RN, BSc, MSc(A)
Most Memorable Trip:
My most memorable trip was to Tanzania and Uganda in 2017. We started the trip with climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, which had always been a dream of mine. After 7 days of hiking through jungle, hot sun, arid desert, rain, fog, hail, wind and snow we reached the summit at 5,895m, just as the sun was rising. And just when I thought I was on top of the world my boyfriend (now husband) proposed to me! Of course I said yes! (or else that would have been a very awkward hike back down the mountain!). We called the rest of our 5 week trip our “engagement-moon” where we went on safari, visited the tropical island of Zanzibar, and hiked to see the mountain gorillas in Uganda. This really was a trip of a lifetime!
What advice would you give to travellers taking the same trip?
You will hear the phrase “pole pole” countless times when climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. This is the Swahili word for slowly and your guides will say it to you over again. Heed this expression and make sure you walk “pole pole!” You will do much better acclimatizing to the high altitude if you take your time to make it to the top (and taking your time will ensure you actually make it)!
What advice or help can travellers expect from you when they visit TravelSafe?
As an experienced RN Consultant, TravelSafe Clinical Educator and fellow traveller, I can offer the latest travel health advice and recommendations to our clients. I work remotely from my home in Nanaimo, so I can provide your consult by phone or video.