BC’s Health Gateway: Your #1 Way To Better Health
Since 2019 British Columbians have been able to access their personal health information online through the BC Health Gateway service. Anyone over age 12 can create an account which provides secure convenient access to your health care records.
This includes access to lab results such as blood and COVID-19 test results, imaging reports, prescription medications, health and hospital visits, the organ donor registry and importantly your immunization records (Including COVID-19 proofs of vaccination such as the BC Vaccine Card and Federal Vaccine Proof.)
Knowing where your immunization records are when you need them puts you in charge of your personal health. Imagine logging into your account anywhere in the world and having a single set of up-to-date vaccine records at your fingertips. It’s smart and convenient, and will help you avoid paying for and receiving vaccines you don’t need.
Join the million plus BC’ers already taking advantage of the BC Health Gateway service and take control of your personal health.
NOTE: In 2022 the provincial government made the sign-up process even easier by introducing the BC Health Gateway Mobile App. Just download the app to your mobile phone, tablet or iPad and off you go.
If you’re still unsure exactly what you need to do to get the process started just follow the handy step by step process below 🙂
Before you get started make sure you’ve set up the BC Services Card app. You will use it to log in to Health Gateway.
Step 1: Go to the Health Gateway website
Visit healthgateway.gov.bc.ca. You can use a mobile device or a personal computer. Note: Internet Explorer is not supported.
Step 2: Log in with your BC Services Card app
The BC Services Card app is a secure way to prove who you are. If you need help logging in contact the BC Services Card help desk.
Step 3: Choose your preferences and accept the terms of service
After you accept the terms of service you can access your Health Gateway account.
Health Gateway shows immunization records from 2009 onward that are in the Provincial Immunization Registry and vaccine recommendations.
- This includes immunizations from public health clinics and pharmacies in B.C.
- It does not include immunizations from family practices or travel clinics.
- Immunizations you got in a pharmacy may be displayed as a medication rather than an immunization. If you can’t find an immunization record try searching your medications.
For more information about immunizations, visit the Ministry of Health Immunizations webpage.
Things You Can Do Inside Your Health Gateway Account
- Add or update a vaccination record
- Add a COVID-19 vaccination from outside of B.C.
- Add an immunization you received at a family practice or travel clinic
- Correct an error in your COVID-19 vaccination record
What Information Will I Need To Add/Update My Record In The Immunization Registry?
- Your B.C. Personal Health Number or Yukon Health Care Insurance Plan (YHCIP) number
- If you don’t have a PHN call 1-833-838-2323
- If you don’t have a YHCIP number contact Yukon Insured Health
- An image of your official vaccination record (for example, an immunization card or record from a physician’s office) showing the details of the dose(s) you received. It must be in English or French or a certified translation.
- Personal and contact information
Vaccination Documents
Upload proof of vaccination for all vaccines you will be submitting. For example, an immunization card or record from a physician’s office.
For Each Vaccine Dose Received You Must Provide Proof Of Vaccination Documents Including
- Your legal name
- The date of your vaccination
- Which vaccine(s) you received
- A certified translation and the original document if your record is not in English or French
- A scannable QR code for COVID-19 vaccines received in Canada but outside of B.C. or the Yukon, if a QR code is available in your documents (not all vaccination records in Canada have QR codes).