Third-grade adventures – “My trip to Thailand” by Callum
When I went on this trip I Was only 7 years old, and it was 2019 march 13-28. That day when we went for dinner it was sooooo tasty!!! That I felt like I was going to faint. But then I didn’t then we slept then took a 2 hour drive to floating hotels on water, witch we could go to the deck and stick our feet in the water but there was no railings so we could fall in and the water current could wipe us away when I looked at it it looked like it was going 1000 kph, when I was sitting and I dipped my foot in it was going so fast I immediately took my foot out of the water.
Then we saw some retired elephants at an elephant sanctuary in Kanchanaburi. We fed the elephants and we walked the elephants but we still had to pay. That night we had chicken satay I loved it then we took a 4 hour drive to a waterfall and we climbed it.
We stopped at the fourth story to take a break and swim in the waterfall but fish kept nipping us but it was ok. Then we went back, Like 2 or 3 days later we went to a full moon party, it was fun I got to drink coke then after a while we left. Then all my friends left and we left so it was a good trip.