Solo Travel Guide
Exploring the world unaccompanied used to be a rarity for most – but in this day and age, the solo travel movement is thriving. As an ever-growing number of modern explorers are taking off on holidays alone, it is becoming increasingly accepted within the tourism industry, with many accommodation and activity companies presenting innovative new options to cater to this type of vacationer. Seasoned independent travellers will tell you that there is nothing quite like spending time in a new destination all on your own, and the benefits that come with this kind of excursion are practically endless.
Me, Myself and I
One of the most obvious perks to solo travel is the opportunity to step out of your comfort zone. When vacationing with friends, family or your significant other, you have the constant support necessary to navigate the inevitable hiccups that occur when visiting a foreign country. But on your own, only you have the power to get yourself out of tricky situations, and have to rely solely on your own problem-solving skills to take the lead. This newfound independence can work wonders for self-esteem, making you a stronger and savvier person – and on top of improving your decision-making abilities, you can also brush up on your language skills. There is no better way to learn a new tongue than by immersing yourself amongst locals and taking your best shot at communicating (when travelling with a group, you’re more likely to rely on your companions for help with translating).
Independent holidays are also a major source of inspiration, creativity and self-care. Be sure to take all the time you need to relax, reflect and get to know yourself on a more intimate level – whether that is through diving into a book you’ve always wanted to read, visiting an obscure museum that interests you or simply partaking in whatever makes you happy while on vacation! Here is your chance to be unabashedly selfish, and do things just for you.
Important Considerations
When venturing to common solo travel stops, such as Central America (including Mexico), South America (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador) or Southeast Asia (Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam), there are many important factors to take into account. Be sure to read up beforehand on any specific customs and norms that you should be aware of relative to your destination, to ensure that you are culturally sensitive during your stay. It is also recommended to register with the government of Canada prior to departure, so that you are kept informed on current safety and health considerations. To prepare in case of emergency, pass along a copy of your travel itinerary to your close friends and family, so that your network at home is always aware of your whereabouts – and have a printed copy of emergency contact information on hand at all times.
Protect Your Health
Before setting out on your solo adventure, schedule in a pre-travel consultation with a TravelSafe healthcare professional. You’ll receive the most current and relevant information on your specific destination and get up-to-date on any necessary vaccines. Always make sure to vigilantly monitor your health while out of country unaccompanied, and immediately seek medical attention if you are ever feeling unwell.