Solo Travel Guide
Exploring the world unaccompanied used to be a rarity for most – but in this day and age, the solo travel movement is thriving. As an ever-growing number of modern explorers are taking off on holidays alone, it is becoming increasingly accepted within the tourism industry, with many accommodation and activity companies presenting innovative new […]

Why Do I Need a TB Skin Test? Wouldn’t I know if I have TB?
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to that school program or maybe you got that new job. But before you can start you’ve been asked to complete a TB skin test by your school or employer. Why is this necessary, you wonder? Wouldn’t you know if you had TB? Is TB even a risk in Canada? Below we’ll give […]

Lyme Disease on the Rise
Newsworthy Lyme disease became a familiar term in Canadian households when pop star Avril Lavigne was diagnosed with the disease in 2014. As reported by CTV news Lavigne said, “she would wake up with night sweats and felt so exhausted she couldn’t get out of bed.” Canadian country singer Shania Twain, who contracted Lyme disease […]

Student Living and Meningococcal Meningitis
Meningococcal meningitis can be a severe and potentially fatal infection. Every now and then we hear of outbreaks of meningococcal meningitis occurring at universities, high schools, or places where there are large gatherings. Despite available vaccines against meningococcal meningitis outbreaks continue to occur. Why do outbreaks still occur? Are you at risk? Below we’ll tell […]

Travelling with Medications
Travelling can be stressful, especially when border officials decide to search through your luggage! Some countries have different regulations for medications commonly used in Canada, so travellers are often concerned about whether they will have any issues travelling with their medications, and how best to pack them. Below you’ll find some helpful tips about travelling […]

Preventing Blood Clots During Travel
Travelling can be exciting, but sometimes long distance travel can have a negative impact on our health. Long distance travel, especially by air, has been associated with the development of blood clots and can be a serious medical emergency. What is a DVT? Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a blood clot that develops in the […]

Infectious diseases you’ve probably never heard of Part III: TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS
We’ve all heard of malaria, dengue fever, typhoid fever and hepatitis. These are all common infectious diseases we hear about while traveling, especially in developing countries. But what about the lesser known infectious diseases? Like tick-borne encephalitis, which is often found in more developed countries. Are you at risk? What is tick-borne encephalitis? Tickborne encephalitis […]
Pregnancy and Travel
The babymoon trend is becoming more popular as soon-to-be parents take that one last pre-baby vacation. It is a chance for a final getaway as a family of two, and an opportunity to relax before the sleepless nights begin. Travelling when pregnant can be safe but there are special health risks the mama-to-be must […]
Infectious diseases you’ve probably never heard of Part II: LEPTOSPIROSIS
We’ve all heard of malaria, dengue fever, typhoid fever and hepatitis. These are all common infectious diseases we hear about while traveling, especially in developing countries. But what about the lesser known infectious diseases? Like leptospirosis, which is actually the most common disease spread from animals to humans worldwide, with more than 1 million cases […]
Should You Get the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine?
Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is the most common vaccine-preventable cause of encephalitis (swelling of the brain) in Asia. With so many travellers exploring Asia one might assume this vaccine is extremely popular, but as it turns out,mostpeoplefrom Canada travel to Asia unprotected. There are several factors that might influence a person’s decision to get the JE […]
Visit South Africa
Travelling to South Africa? You’re in for the trip of a lifetime! Surrounded by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, this diverse nation is home to some of the most magnificent wildlife and scenery on the planet as well as an incredibly vibrant, multicultural population. At the southernmost tip of the African continent, the country’s distinct […]
High Altitude Sickness and Trekking in Nepal
The Himalayan Mountains in Nepal are a draw to many travellers. People travel from all over the world to catch a glimpse of the world’s tallest mountain, Mount Everest, standing at an impressive 8,848m (29,029ft). While about 600 people reach summit of Mount Everest each year, the region is a popular destination for thousands of […]
Study Abroad – Tips for a Rewarding Experience
Studying abroad presents enriching and life changing opportunities. Study abroad can include internships, field studies, research, or community service projects. For any type of study abroad a key component of a successful experience is preparation, especial ly when travelling to countries where health and safety concerns differ from those in Canada. Below are some tips […]
Healthy Sexuality and Travel
It’s easy to get caught up in the exhilaration of a holiday romance. The combination of sun, sand, cheap alcohol, and care-free lifestyle create the ideal scenario for meeting a new love interest abroad. An estimated 1 in 5 travellers have sex with a new partner while travelling in a foreign country, but it is […]
Time to Prepare, Be Dengue Aware!
Many clients seen at TravelSafe clinic have a lot of questions about dengue fever. What is it? Am I at risk? How do I know if I have dengue? Can I die from it? Is there a vaccine for dengue? There are currently several outbreaks of dengue fever worldwide, so here are answers to the […]