The Older Traveller
Autumn is here, the leaves are falling, and the rain and crisp weather have set in. People are starting to plan their long-awaited winter getaways, and many of those people are over the age of 60. There are important considerations for the older traveller no matter where your destination may be. As people age there […]

Preparing for an African Safari
It’s easy to understand why many people are drawn to the wonders and beauty of Africa. Often considered to be the ultimate adventure destination, Africa is a continent that attracts travellers of all ages wanting to take in the history, culture, and plentiful wildlife. There are few experiences in life more moving and exciting than […]

The Necessity of Travel Medical Insurance during a Global Pandemic
Life is full of surprises. Purchasing travel medical insurance before your next trip abroad will help with the financial aspects in the event of the unexpected, especially when travelling during the COVID-19 pandemic. We wouldn’t dream of getting in our car and driving without auto insurance, or owning a house without homeowner’s insurance, as the […]

It’s Time for your Flu Shot!
Flu season is just around the corner and it’s time to consider getting your flu shot. Getting a flu vaccine is especially important this year as COVID-19 continues to circulate in our community. The flu vaccine is key in preventing a respiratory infection that could result in unnecessary isolation and COVID-19 testing. It will also […]

Travelling to South America or Africa? You may need the yellow fever vaccine.
If you are travelling to Africa or South America you may be at risk for yellow fever. Yellow fever is a potentially serious and life-threatening disease caused by a virus spread by an infected mosquito that generally bite during the daytime. The best way to prevent yellow fever is to get vaccinated. Some countries also […]

Resources for Travellers
Planning a trip is no longer as simple as purchasing an airline ticket online, grabbing your passport, and heading to the airport. International travel has become more challenging to navigate with frequent changes to travel advisories and country entry requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wondering where to find useful travel links and resources? Look now […]

Travelling with Medications 2021
Travelling can often be stressful, especially when border officials decide to search through your luggage! Some countries have different regulations for medications commonly used in Canada, so travellers are often concerned about whether they will have any issues travelling with their medications, and how best to pack them. Below you’ll find some helpful tips about […]
The Importance of Community Immunity
We all know the benefits of being part of a community. It unites us, connects us with other people, gives us a sense of belonging, and provides us with a supportive environment. Community immunity is also of great importance to support those around us. Community immunity, also known as herd immunity, occurs when a high […]
Let’s Get Down to Business Travelling
Thousands of Canadians travel to countries around the world each year for business. Business travellers often face unique health risks, including occupational exposures, increased levels of stress, and disease risks from travel to developing countries. Risky business International business travellers are more likely to be infected with influenza, sexually transmitted infections, and hepatitis B. Frequent […]
Student Living and Meningococcal Meningitis
Meningococcal meningitis can be a severe and potentially fatal infection. Every now and then we hear of outbreaks of meningococcal meningitis occurring at universities, high schools, or places where there are large gatherings. Despite available vaccines against meningococcal meningitis outbreaks continue to occur. Why do outbreaks still occur? Are you at risk? Below we’ll tell […]
Resources for Travellers
Planning a trip is no longer as simple as purchasing an airline ticket online, grabbing your passport, and heading to the airport. International travel has become more challenging to navigate with frequent changes to travel advisories and country entry requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Wondering where to find useful travel links and resources? Look no […]
Lyme Disease on the Rise
Newsworthy Lyme disease became a familiar term in Canadian households when pop star Avril Lavigne was diagnosed with the disease in 2014. As reported by CTV news Lavigne said, “she would wake up with night sweats and felt so exhausted she couldn’t get out of bed.” Canadian country singer Shania Twain, who contracted Lyme disease […]
Rabies – Are You at Risk?
When you hear the word rabies do images of dogs frothing at the mouth come to mind? Usually this is something we see only in the movies, but when travelling to developing countries the risk of rabies becomes real and serious. While dogs are the main carriers of rabies in developing countries, any type of […]
Sun Day, Fun Day! – Protecting Yourself from Excess Sun
There are few things more glorious than a sunny day in Vancouver. We Vancouverites spend a good 9 months of the year in less than tropical weather conditions, so we understand the desire to get out in the sun as much as humanly possible when the weather is nice. Pasty Nation Let’s be honest, Vancouverites […]
Expecting Parents and Grandparents – Protect Your Baby from Whooping Cough
In my previous work as a nurse at the Children’s Hospital of Montreal, I cared for babies who were sick from whooping cough, also known as pertussis. In Canada there are between 1,000 to 3,000 cases of pertussis every year and 1 to 3 deaths, mostly in babies less than 3 months of age who […]