Are You a Healthy Adult ≥ 50 Years of Age? Or Maybe You’re < 50 but Immunocompromised? It’s Time to Think About Shingles.
Shingles can be a pain. Literally. Shingles, also known as the herpes zoster virus, is a blister-type rash along a nerve pathway that causes pain and paresthesia (sensation of pricking or tingling). It often appears on the body or face and may last 2-4 weeks. Other symptoms can include fever, headache, nausea, and chills. Pain […]

Coca Tea for High Altitude Sickness – Does it Work?
If you travel to high altitude destinations in South America, such as Cusco, Peru, or La Paz, Bolivia, you will likely come across coca leaves, coca tea, or other coca-derived products promoted to prevent and treat high altitude sickness. While your may hear from locals and fellow travellers of the benefits of coca tea for […]

It’s Almost Time for your Flu Shot!
Flu season is just around the corner and it’s time to consider getting your flu shot. Getting a flu vaccine is especially important this year as COVID-19 continues to circulate in our community. The flu vaccine is key in preventing a respiratory infection that could result in unnecessary isolation and COVID-19 testing as well as […]

Chickenpox and Travelling – Are You at Risk?
As a child born in the 1980’s chickenpox was a common childhood illness. Parents would often bring their children to “chickenpox parties” to deliberately expose them to the disease to build immunity at an early age. While most children infected with chickenpox experience mild illness serious complications can occur, most commonly in infants, adults, pregnant […]

Fluzone High-Dose Vaccine for Adults≥ 65 Years of Age
Flu season is just around the corner. Adults ≥ 65 years of age have a higher risk of severe illness, complications, hospitalization, and death from the flu compared to younger populations. Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) recommends Fluzone High-Dose vaccine for adults ≥ 65 years. What is Fluzone High-Dose? Fluzone High-Dose is an […]

Is Polio Re-Emerging? What Travellers Should Know
Polio has been in the news lately as there was a case of vaccine-derived polio in July 2022 in the US. The case occurred Rockland County, New York in an unvaccinated resident. Vaccine-derived poliovirus has also been detected in environmental samples in Rockland County and neighbouring Orange County, New York as well as in London, […]

Avoid Losing Your Luggage – Packing Essentials for Your Carry-On Bag
There have been many lost luggage horror stories in recent news reports. Airlines are losing more bags now than ever before. Travellers are reporting being forced to spend their entire vacation without their luggage, some left waiting for weeks or even months before their lost luggage arrives. To avoid the stress and chaos of your […]

Monkeypox and Travel
On July 25, 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a global health emergency. As of August 1, 2022, the US Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has reported more than 23,000 cases of monkeypox from80 countries worldwide, and these numbers are expected to rise. What does this mean for travellers? Here are some questions […]

Spending time outdoors in Europe, Scandinavia or Eastern Europe? Be aware of tick-borne encephalitis
You’ve likely heard of malaria, dengue fever, typhoid fever, and hepatitis. These are all common infectious diseases we hear about while traveling, especially in developing countries. But what about the lesser known infectious diseases? Like tick-borne encephalitis, which is often found in more developed countries. Are you at risk? What is tick-borne encephalitis? Tickborne […]

Water Safety Tips for All Ages
The iconic 1970’s film, Jaws, struck fear into the hearts of beach goers and swimming enthusiasts the world over! The movie’s tagline, “you’ll never go in the water again,” genuinely scared moviegoers into avoiding the water in fear of being eaten by over sized fish! Realistically, attacks from angry, man-eating sharks were the least of […]

Sun Day, Fun Day! – Protecting Yourself from Excess Sun
There are few things more glorious than a sunny day in Vancouver. We Vancouverites spend a good 9 months of the year in less than tropical weather conditions, so we understand the desire to get out in the sun as much as humanly possible when the weather is nice. Pasty Nation Let’s be honest, […]

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda
There is nothing more awe inspiring than being up close to mountain gorillas in their natural environment. I was fortunate enough to view a family of mountain gorillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. We witnessed curious toddlers, a mother feeding her new baby, several adolescent gorillas and 3 silver backs. Being this up […]

Unwanted Visitors on your Travels: Bed Bugs
Many of you will remember the old nursery rhyme “Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Bed bugs were once a common occurrence throughout the world, but with use of insecticides bed bugs infestations declined in the 1940s. Bed bugs are not, however, just a thing of the past. There has been […]

Do You Need Dukoral for Your Next Trip?
Have you heard about Dukoral? It’s an oral vaccine that prevents traveller’s diarrhea caused by enterotoxigenic coli (ETEC) and cholera. But what are cholera and ETEC? Are you at risk for these diseases? Keep reading to learn more about these diseases and if you need Dukoral on your next trip. Cholera Cholera is an infectious […]

The Power of a Pre-Travel Consultation
Occasionally we are asked “Why do I need a pre-travel consultation?” There are many reasons why booking a pre-travel consultation is a good idea. Whether you’re travelling abroad for business or pleasure, you are likely to encounter health risks at your destination that are not a consideration in Canada. The pre-travel consultation is conducted by […]